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Take a tour through our past kitten photos to see how their colours develop

The litter letters don't always depict the letter of the group/singers song they were named after.. sometimes I just need to change it up a bit.. :)



Chaynikoty Siberian Kittens - "G" litter is here - Born 18th November 2018   

Chaynikoty Tiny Dancer & Prideshill Izzlexi Barron are the proud parents of

3 Boys & 3 Girls

Prideshill Izzlexi Barron.JPG
Chaynikoty Tiny Dancer - 7 mths.jpg


They have been named... Now to get the photos up...

Introducing the Beatles litter...

We had endless possiblities with names here.. I think we chose well...

When Our Kittens have been named !

The name will be the kittens registered name - when you adopt a kitten you can choose any name you like and we will use this name :)

Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun
Chaynikoty Here comes the Sun

Chaynikoty Here Comes the Sun

Red Tabby - F

SOLD - Jane

Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane
Chaynikoty Penny Lane

Chaynikoty Penny Lane

Black Tortie MacTabby with White - F

SOLD - Nicole

Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby
Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby

Chaynikoty Elenor Rigby

Black Mackerl - Blue Collar - F

SOLD - Mel

Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Raccoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Racoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Racoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Racoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Racoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Racoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Racoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Racoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Racoon
Chaynikoty Rocky Racoon

Chaynikoty Rocky Racoon

Red Silver Mackerel Tabby - M
SOLD - Shelley

Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna
Chaynikoty Lady Madonna

Chaynikoty Lady Madonna

Black Tortie MacTabby with White - F

SOLD - Joanne

Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikotty Twist and Shout - 8wks15
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout
Chaynikoty Twist and Shout

Chaynikoty Twist and Shout

Black Classic Collar - M

SOLD - Vicki


Chaynikoty Siberian Kittens - "F" litter is here - Born 2nd November 2018   

Prideshill IC Diamond Skye & Shemiaka Vulcan are the proud parents of

2 Boys & 1 Girl



Foreigner 4

They have been named... Now to get the photos up...

Introducing the Foreigner 4 litter...

Everyone loves the good old Aussie Band Foreiner, don't they??

When Our Kittens have been named !

The name will be the kittens registered name - when you adopt a kitten you can choose any name you like and we will use this name :)

Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Cold As Ice
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikot Girl on the Moon - 8 wks16
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon - 3wks3
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon3 - 10 days
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero
Chaynikoty Duke Box Hero

Chaynikoty Cold as Ice - Teddy

Blue Tabby - M

SOLD - Lizzie

Chaynikoty Girl on the Moon

Black Classic - Pink Collar - F


Chaynikoty Juke Box Hero

Black Classic Collar - M

SOLD - Karen


Chaynikoty Siberian Kittens - "E" litter is here - Born 17th October 2018   

Chaynikoty Lotus Flower & Pendraig Tristan are the proud parents of

2 Strapping Boys


Alice Cooper

They have been named... Now to get the photos up...

Introducing the Alice Cooper litter...

Alice Cooper was as heavy as it got for me growing up.. I usually name the kittens songs I loved, somehow Welcome to My Nightmare or Black Widow doesn't really fit for these little cuties..

When Our Kittens have been named !

The name will be the kittens registered name - when you adopt a kitten you can choose any name you like and we will use this name :)

Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm Thhe Coolest - 5 wks3
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikotyty I'm the Coolest - 3wks8
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty I'm The Coolest
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny - 11wks3
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikot Jackknife Johnny - 8 wks12
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny - 5 wks12
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny - 3wks10
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny
Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny

Chaynikoty I'm the Coolest - Coolio

Blue Tabby - Cream Collar - M


Chaynikoty Jackknife Johnny - Apollo

Black Classic - Collar - M

SOLD - Zara


Chaynikoty Siberian Kittens - "D" litter is here - Born 17th October 2018   

Prideshill Anjbar Beaufort and Damman Amur Moët (Imp FRA) are the proud parents of

4 Girls and 4 Boys


Deep Purple

They have been named...

Introducing the Deep Purple litter...

This was a hard choice for names but I think we chose well.

When Our Kittens have been named !

The name will be the kittens registered name - when you adopt a kitten you can choose any name you like and we will use this name :)

Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks
Chaynikoty Money Talks  - M
Chaynikoty Money Talks  - M
Chaynikoty Money Talks  - M

Chaynikoty Money Talks

Brown Collar - M

SOLD - Erin

Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzzle Dazzle2 - 11 days
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle - F
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle - F
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle - F
Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle - F

Chaynikoty Razzle Dazzle - Peppa

Pink Collar - F

SOLD - Christine

Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer6 - 2 wks
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer - M
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer - M
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer - M
Chaynikoty Storm Bringer - M

Chaynikoty Storm Bringer - Stormy

Cream Collar - M

SOLD - Donna

Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight
Chaynikoty Black Knight - M
Chaynikoty Black Knight - M
Chaynikoty Black Knight - M

Chaynikoty Black Knight - Cocoa

Solid Black - M

SOLD - Luana

Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty Kinging of Dreams - 2 wks
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams
Chaynikoty King of Dreams - M
Chaynikoty King of Dreams - M
Chaynikoty King of Dreams - M

Chaynikoty King of Dreams - Soxie

Black & White Kitten - M

SOLD - Joanne

Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Forortune Teller - 10 wks
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Forortune Teller - 7 wks8
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller - F
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller - F
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller - F
Chaynikoty Fortune Teller - F

Chaynikoty Fortune Teller - Gypsy

Grey Collar - F

SOLD - Justine

Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time
Chaynikoty Child in Time - F
Chaynikoty Child in Time - F
Chaynikoty Child in Time - F
Chaynikoty Child in Time - F

Chaynikoty Child in Time - Teeny

Blue Collar - F


Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikkoty Chasing Shadows3 - 5 wks
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasingty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows - F
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows - F
Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows - F

Chaynikoty Chasing Shadows - Noa

Black Collar - F

SOLD - Zoe

Cat Stevens


Chaynikoty Siberian Kittens - "C" litter is here - Born 12/06/2018

Pendraig Tristan (Imp USA) and Damman Amur Moët (Imp FRA) are the proud parents of

2 Girls and 2 Boys  


When Our Kittens have been named !

Click the image to see the kittens name.

The name will be the kittens registered name - when you adopt a kitten you can choose any name you like and we will use this name :)

They have been named...

Introducing the Cat Stevens litter...

Cat Stevens is one of my all time favorite singer/songwriters of my younger years, his songs are stories, insightful, hopeful and yes, some of them were woefull :) ...but he had some really fantastic songs too... so with this litter I have named them songs that I loved...  not an easy task given I love way more than 4 songs.. :)

Finally have some photos of these precious little fluff bunnies, Moët is not happy with them having a photo shoot, hopefully some nicer photos next week... 





Chaynikoty Kittens - "B" litter is here - Born 21/11/2017

DB GR CH Vinnimur Zaslav (Imp Russia) and Miakoschka Zarli are the proud parents of

2 Girls and 1 Boy 

Elton John

When Our Kittens have been named !

Click the image to see the kittens name.

The name will be the kittens registered name - when you adopt a kitten you can choose any name you like and we will use this name :)

They have been named...

Introducing the Elton John litter...

I was in two minds what to call this litter.. Elton John songs, (gotta love a bit of Elton) or "Z" names given it's Zarli and Zas litter.  Well my decision was made easy when an Elton John special aired on TV tonight doing his top 20 songs. 

So I decided to name each kitten what ever song titles placed in the top 3 spots and name them in order of birth... it couldn't have worked out better if I had tried. 

Radiohead Litter

Chaynikoty Kittens - "A" litter - born 6th July 2017

5 boys - 1 girl born to DB GD Ch Vlasta Line Count (Imp RUS) and Miakoschka Zarlia

Our Kittens have been named !

Click the image to see the kittens name.

The name will be the kittens registered name - when you adopt a kitten you can choose any name you like :)

Radiohead !

The theme behind the names of the kittens is song titles from the band Radiohead.  Radiohead is my husband, Shane's favorite band.  Due to the amount of time, effort, money and support he has invested in seeing that my little passion gets up and running, I thought it only fitting that the first litter be named for him... for without him and his unrelenting love and support Chaynikoty Siberian Cats would never have happened. <3

Chaynikoty Morning has Broken

Miakoschka Sambuca or Sammy as we call him, is a unique asset to Chaynikoty - his presence and sweet trills seem to have an affect we cannot explain.  The girls were not happy during the photo shoot so he popped in to help.  A few soft trills in their ears and gentle nuzzles, a bit of a lick and the girls seemed to calm down and enjoy the shoot.  These photos show this encounter - the kittens and Sammy had never met before today!!

Chaynikoty Morning has Broken & Moonshad
Chaynikoty Moonshadow
Chaynikoty Moonshadow & Morning has Brok
Chaynikoty Moonshadow & Morning has Brok
Chaynikoty Moonshadow and Teafor
Chaynikoty Kittens
Chaynikoty Kittens
Chaynikoty Kittens
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter - 6 wks
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter
Chaynikoty Cat Stevens Litter

One of the hardest thing for me taking photos is trying to get their little personalities to shine, and the dreaded group photo - There is always at least one kitten in every litter that refuses to work with the camera - this often means that the photos do not show thier true beauty or the sweet expressions I see on a daily basis.  This litter it seems to be Lady D'Arbanville - she is certainly a challange to photograph which is evident in these photos.. the only photo I captured her looking, the others are not...  she really does have the sweetest nature I just wish she would show the camera

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